Contact the PCCGB

Photographic Collectors’ Club of Great Britain National Committee

National Chairman Chris Williams 0144 330 7883 chrispwilliams11@gmail.com
Treasurer David Balfour 0192 082 1831 drbalfour@hotmail.com
Secretary George Schoenmann 0292 070 2675 george.schoenmann@ntlworld.com
Membership Secretary Diana Balfour 0192 082 1611 dianabalfour@hotmail.com
Photographica World Editor James Downs 0139 286 1708 jamesdownspw@gmail.com
Photographica World Producer Timothy Campbell 0759 357 2647 timminox@yahoo.co.uk
Photographica Fair Chairman Andrew Gillett 0130 526 4548 andrewegillett@aol.com
Tailboard Editor David Gardner 0114 265 9096 tailboard@pccgb.com
Webmaster Niv Amir-Ebrahimi niv@nanites.co.uk

Regional Chairmen
Midlands Roger Cooper 0185 846 3417 rogercooper@talktalk.net
North East Timothy Campbell 0759 357 2647 timminox@yahoo.co.uk
North West Phil Nightingale 01244 881 479 kodak.phil@gmail.com
South David Balfour 0192 082 1831 drbalfour@hotmail.com
South West Alan Humphries 0139 522 7300 humphries.alan@gmail.com